World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country New Chr pa 2050 Projected net gain or loss in the number of new Christians each year for this country by 2050. The formula used to arrive at this is: Christian births + converts - Christian deaths - Christian defectors.
version_2020_country New Christians % pa Each year, new Christians represent this percentage of the nation's Affiliated Christians. This percentage is based on the country's Christian population in 2000 and 2020, plus the death percentage and an adjustment for exceptional emmigration patterns.
version_2020_country New religionist % Number of New religionists (neoreligionists) as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020.
version_2020_country New religionists Number of New religionists (Neoreligionists) in this country's population.
version_2020_country non-Christians who know Christians non-Christians who know Christians.
version_2020_country No-Scripture languages count Count of languages with no book of scripture translated.
version_2020_country NT Achievement % New Testaments actually distributed over the past 20 years as a percentage of the desired goal for this country.
version_2020_country NT Duplicate pa Number of New Testaments distributed each year in Bibles in this country. Distribution (free subsidized, commercial).
version_2020_country NT Goal Goal for the number of New Testaments to be placed in this country. Equals the number of literate Christians.
version_2020_country NT Goal pa The number of New Testaments that must be dispensed each year to meet distribution goals in this country.
version_2020_country NT languages count Count of ISO languages with a New Testament translation.
version_2020_country NT Other pa Number of New Testaments distributed by agencies other than the United Bible Societies (UBS), each year in this country.
version_2020_country NT Total pa Total number of New Testaments distributed in this country by both the United Bible Societies (UBS) and other agencies.
version_2020_country NT UBS pa Number of New Testaments distributed each year by the United Bible Societies (UBS) in this country (5 year average).
version_2020_country NTs in place New Testaments distributed in the past 20 yrs (= in place)".
version_2020_country Offers per capita pa A scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ. This is a per year/ per capita figure for the cited country.
version_2020_country Offers per day Offers (disciple-opportunities) per day in the country. 'Offers' are a scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ. This is a per year/ per capita figure for this country.
version_2020_country Official name Official name of country.
version_2020_country Orthodox Number of Affiliated Orthodox in this country. This includes Orthodoxy's 4 traditions: Eastern (Chalcedonian), Oriental (Pre-Chalcedonian, Non-Chalcedonian, Monophysite), Nestorian (Assyrian), and non-historical Orthodox.
version_2020_country Outreach per Chr 2025 Outreach per Christian in 2025: This value represents the number of evangelized non-Christians reached per Christian.
version_2020_country Outreach per Chr 2050 Outreach per Christian in 2050: This value represents the number of evangelized non-Christians reached per Christian.
version_2020_country Parachurch income pa The collective income earned by all parachurches in this country each year.
version_2020_country Pentecostal/Charismatics Pentecostals/Charismatics = Pentecostals + Charismatics + Independent Charismatics population in the country.
version_2020_country Pentecostals Number of Pentecostals (Classical Pentecostals) in the country. "Classical Pentecostals" is a blanket term for traditional types of Pentecostal (Pentecostal Apostolic, Oneness-Pentecostal, Baptistic Pentecostal, Holiness-Pentecostal, Perfectionist- Pentecostal), as contrasted with Neo-pentecostal, Catholic pentecostal, Non-White pentecostal, etc.
version_2020_country Peoples Total number of distinct ethnolinguistic people groups in this country. An 'ethnolinguistic people group' is an ethnic or racial group speaking its own language or mother tongue.
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