World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country Martyrs 2010. This figure represents the total number of documented martyrs in the country's history (33 to 2010). A 'Martyr' is defined as a believer in Christ who has lost his or her life prematurely, in a situation of witness, as a result of human hostility. Excludes 'background martyrs' in undocumentable situations (individual, domestic, family, isolated).
version_2020_country Mega Cities Number of megacities in this country whose population exceeds 1 million persons.
version_2020_country Metro % Percentage of the nation's total population that live in a metropolitan area.
version_2020_country Metro Pop Number of people that live in a metropolitan area.
version_2020_country Minor Institutions Number of minor institutions in the country in 2000.
version_2020_country Minor Institutions per m Number of minor institutions per million of the country's population.
version_2020_country Mission Agencies Number of foreign mission agencies present in this country in 2000.
version_2020_country Mission Index The below phrase briefly describes the current status of the country's foreign missions presence, openness and participation. "1-7" referring to sharing, receiving, receiving/sending, sending, restricted, partially-closed, closed.
version_2020_country Missionaries Received 2020. Number of people from other countries working as missionaries per million of the country's population.
version_2020_country Missionaries Received 1970 1970. Number of people from other countries working as missionaries per million of the country's population.
version_2020_country Missionaries Received 2000 In 2000, the number of people from other countries working as missionaries in this country.
version_2020_country Missionaries Received 2010 2010. Number of people from other countries working as missionaries in this country.
version_2020_country Missionaries Received per m 2020. Number of people from other countries working as missionaries per million of the country's population.
version_2020_country Missionaries Sent 2020. Number of this country's citizen missionaries working abroad.
version_2020_country Missionaries Sent 1970 1970. Number of this country's citizen missionaries working abroad.
version_2020_country Missionaries Sent 2000 In 2000, the number of this country's citizen missionaries working abroad.
version_2020_country Missionaries Sent 2010 2010. Number of this country's citizen missionaries working abroad.
version_2020_country Missionaries Sent per m Christians Number of this country's citizen missionaries abroad, per million of its own Christians.
version_2020_country Muslim % Number of Muslims as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020.
version_2020_country Muslims Number of Muslims in this country's population.
version_2020_country Muslims who know Christians Muslims who know Christians.
version_2020_country National Christian workers 2010. Number of Citizen Christian workers in this country. 'Citizen' is defined as a member of a state or nation; subject, national.
version_2020_country National Christian workers per m Number of citizen Christian workers working in this country, per million of this country's population. 'Citizen' is defined as a member of a state or nation; subject, national.
version_2020_country Net Worth per capita Net worth per person, 2000, expressed in $US. See Wealth per capita for 2018 data.
version_2020_country New Chr pa 2025 Projected net gain or loss in the number of new Christians each year for this country by 2025. The formula used to arrive at this is: Christian births + converts - Christian deaths - Christian defectors.
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