World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country Christian workers Number of full-time missionaries and nationals working in this country.
version_2020_country Christian workers per m Number of Christian workers per million people in this country.
version_2020_country Christians The total number of Christians in this country, 2020.
version_2020_country Christians who know Agnostics Christians who know Agnostics.
version_2020_country Christians who know Buddhists Christians who know Buddhists.
version_2020_country Christians who know Ethnic religionists Christians who know Ethnic religionists.
version_2020_country Christians who know Hindus Christians who know Hindus.
version_2020_country Christians who know Muslims Christians who know Muslims.
version_2020_country Christians who know non-Christians Christians who know non-Christians.
version_2020_country Church crime pa Ecclesiastical crime (embezzlements) each year in this country. 'Ecclesiastical Crime' refers to criminal activity on the part of church officials; restricted in scope here to embezzlements of church funds by their top custodians (treasurers, presidents, et alii).
version_2020_country Church growth % pa 1900-2000 This is the annual affiliated Christians growth in the country between 1900-2000, measured as a percentage.
version_2020_country Church Growth Index Index growth relative to demographics for this country.
version_2020_country Church income pa The collective income earned by all churches in this country each year.
version_2020_country Cities Number of cities in this country whose population exceeds 300,000 persons (or smaller capital cities).
version_2020_country Confucianist % Number of Confucianist as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Confucians are non-Chinese followers of Confucius and Confucianism; mostly Koreans and in Korea.
version_2020_country Confucianists Number of Confucianists in this country's population. Confucianists are Non-Chinese followers of Confucius and Confucianism; mostly Koreans and in Korea.
version_2020_country Congregations Number of worship centers (churches, congregations) in this country.
version_2020_country Congregations per m Number of worship centers per million of the country's population.
version_2020_country Corruption Index Transparency International's "Corruption Perceptions Index" (CPI) measures the perceived levels of public-sector corruption in a given country. Expressed here in reverse so that higher values indicate higher levels of corruption. Primary source: Transparency International, 2019.
version_2020_country Country Affiliated Christian % Church members as a percentage of this country's population in 2020; Affiliated Church members are persons belonging to or connected with organized churches, whose names are inscribed, written or entered on the churches books, records, or rolls.
version_2020_country Country Affiliated Christians Number of church members in this country in 2020; Affiliated Church members are persons belonging to or connected with organized churches, whose names are inscribed, written or entered on the churches books, records, or rolls.
version_2020_country Country footnote Note to clarify the areas included in this country.
version_2020_country Country ID Unique country identifier (primary key) used by the database. A four-letter abbreviation or code assigned by WCD to each country is also unique, but not unchanging.
version_2020_country Country name Short name of this country (usually as designated by the UN).
version_2020_country Country Pop 1900 This figure represents the country's total population in 1900.
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