World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country Agencies-in-Peoples Total agencies-in-peoples for this country. A smaller number represents a smaller presence. "agencies-in-peoples" is a measure of the widespread distribution of mission agencies across the world which quantifies one agency working in 50 peoples as 50 of these units.
version_2020_country Agnostic % Number of agnostics as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020 These are persons professing no religion, or professing unbelief or non-belief, non-believers, agnostics, freethinkers, liberal thinkers, non-religious humanists, indifference to both religion and atheism, apathetic, opposed on principle neither to religion nor to atheism; sometimes termed secularists or materialists; also post-Christian, dechristianized or de-religionized populations.
version_2020_country Agnostics Number of agnostic persons in this country's population. These are persons professing no religion, or professing unbelief or non-belief, non-believers, agnostics, freethinkers, liberal thinkers, non-religious humanists, indifference to both religion and atheism, apathetic, opposed on principle neither to religion nor to atheism; sometimes termed secularists or materialists; also post-Christian, dechristianized or de-religionized populations.
version_2020_country Agnostics who know Christians Agnostics who know Christians.
version_2020_country All languages count Count of all ISO languages spoken as the primary language of peoples in this country.
version_2020_country Anglicans Number of Affiliated Anglicans in this country. Anglicans are Christians related to the Anglican Communion, tracing their origin back to the ancient British (Celtic) and English churches; including Anglican dissidents or schismatics in the Western world.
version_2020_country Atheist % Number of atheists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Atheists are militantly anti-religious or anti-Christian agnostics, secularists, or marxists.
version_2020_country Atheists Number of Atheists in this country's population. Atheists are persons professing atheism, skepticism, impiety, disbelief or irreligion, or Marxist-Leninist Communism regarded as a political faith, or other quasi-religions, and who abstain from religious activities and have severed all religious affiliation; and others opposed, hostile or militantly opposed to all religion (anti-religious); dialectical materialists, militant non-believers, anti-religious humanists, skeptics.
version_2020_country Baha'i % Number of Bahais as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Bahais are followers of the Bahai World Faith, founded by Bahaullah, since 1844. In government censuses Bahais are usually counted as Muslims or Hindus and not shown separately.
version_2020_country Baha'is Number of Bahais in this country's population. Bahais are followers of the Bahai World Faith, founded by Bahaullah, since 1844. In government censuses Bahais are usually counted as Muslims or Hindus and not shown separately.
version_2020_country Baptisms pa This is the number of new baptisms each year in this country.
version_2020_country Bible achievement % Bibles actually distributed over the past 20 years as a percentage of the desired goal for this country.
version_2020_country Bible goal Goal for the number of Bibles to be in place in this country. Equals the number of Christian families.
version_2020_country Bible goal pa The number of Bibles that must be dispensed each year to meet distribution goals in this country.
version_2020_country Bible languages count Count of ISO languages with a full Bible.
version_2020_country Bible Other pa Number of Bibles distributed by agencies other than the United Bible Societies (UBS), each year in this country.
version_2020_country Bible Total pa Total number of Bibles distributed in this country by both the United Bible Societies (UBS) and other agencies.
version_2020_country Bible UBS pa Number of Bibles distributed each year by the United Bible Societies (UBS) in this country. (5 year average).
version_2020_country Bibles in place Bibles distributed in the past 20 yrs (= in place).
version_2020_country Birth % Birth rate for this country as a percentage per year. Source material is expressed as cases per 1000. Primary source: United Nations 2019.
version_2020_country Buddhist % Number of Buddhists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Followers of the Buddha, include: (a) Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) or Northern Buddhism; (b) Theravada (Teaching of the Elders) or Southern Buddhism, stigmatized by Mahayanists as Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle, i.e. available to fewer people), actually the older, purer form of Buddhism; (c) Vajrayana, Mantrayana, Guhyamantrayana, or Tantrayana (Esoteric Vehicle), known as Tantrism, Shingon or Lamaism; and (d) traditional Buddhist sects, but excluding neo-Buddhist new religions or religious movements.
version_2020_country Buddhists Number of Buddhists in this country's population. Followers of the Buddha, including: (a) Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) or Northern Buddhism; (b) Theravada (Teaching of the Elders) or Southern Buddhism, stigmatized by Mahayanists as Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle, i.e. available to fewer people), actually the older, purer form of Buddhism; (c) Vajrayana, Mantrayana, Guhyamantrayana, or Tantrayana (Esoteric Vehicle), known as Tantrism, Shingon or Lamaism; and (d) traditional Buddhist sects, but excluding neo-Buddhist new religions or religious movements.
version_2020_country Buddhists who know Christians Buddhists who know Christians.
version_2020_country Catholics Number of Affiliated Catholics in this country. Affiliated Catholics are defined in this Encyclopedia as baptized Catholics plus catechumens.
version_2020_country Charismatics Number of Charismatics (in non-Pentecostal churches) in this country. These are baptized members affiliated to non-pentecostal denominations who have entered into the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
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