World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2000_plans Unevangelized ratio Unevangelized per Christian: Total unevangelized persons in world divided by total Christians in world, at year of plans origin. This ratio is a measure of the relative difficulty of the unfinished task at the time the plan was first put forward.
version_2000_plans Version 2000 Chronology ID ID of the entry in Chronololgy table that this plan relates to.
version_2000_plans Version 2000 Plans ID Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database.
version_2010_city Capital city 1 = this is a capital city.
version_2010_city Christians Number of Christians in this city in 2010.
version_2010_city Christians % Christians as a percentage of this city's population in 2010.
version_2010_city City level City (level 1) and sub-cities (level 2).
version_2010_city City Name Name of this city.
version_2010_city City sort Sorts sub-cities under their parent city.
version_2010_city Denomination note Notes relating to denominations in the city.
version_2010_city Evangelized Number of evangelized in this city in 2010.
version_2010_city Evangelized % Percentage of persons in this city who have had adequate opportunity, or opportunities, to hear the gospel and to respond to it, whether they respond positively or negatively by 2010.
version_2010_city Note Additional descriptive data for this city. The code 'F=' refers to the date in which the city was founded (earliest date of known settlement).
version_2010_city Parent City ID The city of which this sub-city is a part.
version_2010_city Pop 2005 Population in this city in mid-2005.
version_2010_city Pop 2010 Population in this city in mid-2010.
version_2010_city Religions over 1% Religions over 1% in the city (rounded to integer).
version_2010_city Version 2010 City ID Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database.
version_2010_city Version 2020 Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
version_2010_city Version 2020 Country ID Country of this City.
version_2010_city World evangelization code A city is designated as 'A' 'Unevangelized' if less than 50% of its population is evangelized. It is designated 'B' 'Evangelized non-Christian if 50% or more of its population is evangelized and less than 60% Christian. It is designated 'C' 'Christian' if 60% or more of its population is Christian.
version_2010_martyr_situation Country code list Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes (Version_2020 codes).
version_2010_martyr_situation Global Christians The total number of Christians of all types across the world alive at that time (expressed in millions).
version_2010_martyr_situation Intensity A quick reference scale (0-10) for the intensity of a martyrdom situation (a function of the number of those martyred as a percentage of the immediate Christian community ).
version_2010_martyr_situation Local Christians Local Christian population in that year and region, i.e. size of the related local Christian population to which columns 1-7 refer. Sometimes this means the total Christians in the country, of all denominations; sometimes it refers to a denominational or local grouping only. (Note: The only 3 exceptions are: 378 and 1648, where the figures of 120 million and 3,371 million refer to all Christians who ever lived up to that date; and 1697, where the figure refers to all Christians who have ever lived in Japan up to that date.
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