Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
Table | Field | Description |
province | Province | Name of the Major Civil Division (United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) as it is known to its inhabitants. |
province | Province Capital | Name of Province's capital city if major Civil Division (United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) has one. |
province | Province ID | Unique province identifier (primary key) used by the database. |
province | Province Pop | Province population in each MCD (Major Civil Division-United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in 2020. |
province | Province population % | Province population in each MCD (Major Civil Division-United Nations’ term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) as a percentage of the country's population. |
version_2000_chronology | Chronology sort | Sorts entries within years. |
version_2000_chronology | Entry | Chronology entry relating to this date. |
version_2000_chronology | Version 2000 Chronology ID | Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database. |
version_2000_chronology | Year | Year to which this entry applies. |
version_2000_martyr_people | Martyr Name | Name of martyr. Abbreviations. abp = archbishop, bp = bishop, br = brother or monk (only from 1330 onward), Canter = Canterbury, ecu = ecumenical, fr = father (priest, only given here after 1516), Jerus = Jerusalem, met = metro = metrop = metropolitan, msgr = monsignor, patr = patriarch, sr = sister (nun; only given here since 1950). Initials after the first name/surname = Catholic order or congregation (e.g. SJ = Jesuit). |
version_2000_martyr_people | Note | General note. |
version_2000_martyr_people | Version 2000 Martyr People ID | Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database. |
version_2000_martyr_people | Version 2020 Country | Country name as known in 2020. |
version_2000_martyr_people | Year | Year of martyrdom. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Anglican | Count of 'other' unlisted plans best identified with the Anglican megabloc. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Independent | Count of 'other' unlisted plans best identified with the Independent megabloc. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Listed plan count | Count of Global Plans listed separately in WCD. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Listed plan count % | Percentage of listed plans in this category. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Marginal | Count of 'other' unlisted plans best identified with the Marginal megabloc. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Orthodox | Count of 'other' unlisted plans best identified with the Orthodox megabloc. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Other plan count | 650 global 'other' (unlisted) plans by six major ecclesiastical megablocs, 1900–2000. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Other plan count % | Percentage of other (unlisted) plans in this category. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Protestant | Count of 'other' unlisted plans best identified with the Protestant megabloc. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Roman Catholic | Count of 'other' unlisted plans best identified with the Catholic megabloc. |
version_2000_plan_summary | Total plan count | Total count of listed and unlisted Global Plans to 2000. |
Data on 18 categories of religion, including non-religious, by country, province, and people.
Data on all religions, Christian activities, and trends.
Membership data, year begun, and rates of change.
Population and religion data on all major cities & provinces.
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A repository of historical data, including a chronology of Christianity from the 1st to 21st centuries.