World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
people_other Country ID ID of the country in which this people group is located.
people_other Ethnicity The Ethnicity or ethnocultural family of this people group.
people_other Ethnicity ID The Ethnicity code for the ethnicty or ethnocultural family of this people group.
people_other Language code Three letter ISO 639-3 language code.
people_other Language ID ID number of the primary language spoken by this people.
people_other Largest religion % Percentage of the largest religion of this people group.
people_other Largest religion code Religion code of the largest religion of this people group.
people_other People % Persons in this people group as % country.
people_other People Name Name of this ethno-linguistic people group.
people_other People population Number of persons in this people group, in 2020.
people_other People reference number Unique reference number (primary key) for each People group.
people_other People with gospel access % The percentage of this people's population with access to the gospel.
people_other WLC Language code World Language Classification language code.
people_other WLC Language ID World Language Classification ID number.
province Area square km Area covered by Major Civil Division (United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in square kilometers in this province.
province Area square miles Area covered by Major Civil Division (United Nations term for the next level of administrative or political subdivision in a country immediately below nationwide level) in square miles in this province.
province Christians Number of Christians in this province in 2020.
province Christians % Christians as a percentage of this province's population in 2020.
province Country Country of this Province.
province Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
province Largest religion % Percentage of the largest religion of this province.
province Largest religion code Religion code of the largest religion of this province.
province Note Additional descriptive data for this province.
province People with gospel access The number of people with access to the gospel.
province People with gospel access % The percentage of this province's population with access to the gospel.
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