World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
denomination_year Year Year to which these data apply.
ethnicity Ethnic family Ethnicity summarized into 71 families.
ethnicity Ethnic region Ethnicity summarized into 13 regions.
ethnicity Ethnicity The 'ethnic' component of ethno-linguistic peoples.
ethnicity Ethnicity code The Ethnicity code for the ethnicty or ethnocultural family of this people group. First letter identifies the ethnic region, followed by the number of the ethnic family.
ethnicity Ethnicity ID Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database to identify the ethnicity or ethnocultural family of this people group.
ethnicity Ethnicity Pop Population in base year (2020).
ethnicity Ethnicity Pop 1900 Population in 1900.
ethnicity Ethnicity sort Temporary number assigned to the culture by the database for the purpose of sorting the ethnicity and culture hierarchy.
ethnicity Note Main constituent cultures, additional peoples, tribes, languages, alternative names, archaic names or synonyms (in parentheses) for this culture.
glossary For wcd Glossary terms available for WCD subscribers.
glossary glossary definition glossary definition.
glossary Glossary ID Unique identifier (primary key) used by the database.
glossary glossary item glossary item.
language Bible availability Availability of a translations of the New Testament or Bible into this language (including multiple dialects) .
language Bible date Earliest date (-and most recent date) a full printed Bible was published in (any dialect) of this language.
language Biblioglossonym Bible name: The language name as published (* indicates the biiblioglossonym of a selected scripture translation project in this language if more than one).
language Christians Christians speaking this language as their mother-tongue.
language Country count Country count.
language Language ISO Language name.
language Language code Three letter ISO 639-3 language code.
language Language ID Unique integer primary key for database use (see also unique three letter ISO 639-3 language code).
language Main country code The main or hub country of this language.
language Main country ID The main or hub country of this language.
language Mother tongue speakers Mother-tongue speakers in 2020. A blank population indicates that there is no people group with this language as their primary language. Populations are cumulative between language heirachy levels.
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