World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
denomination Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
denomination Country ID Database ID of the country of this denomination.
denomination Denomination ID Unique denomination-in-country identifier (primary key) used by the database.
denomination Denomination name The official name of church or denomination in this country.
denomination Denomination sort Temporary number assigned to the denomination by the database for the purpose of sorting by the non-abbreviated alphabetical denomination name order.
denomination Ecclesiastical Type The denomination's major and minor tradition code.
denomination Evangelical % Evangelicals as a percentage of affiliated in this denomination.
denomination Family Ecclesiastical traditions summarized across major traditions, for example, every Baptist denomination, whether it is Protestant or Independent is coded as Baptist.
denomination Female % Percentage of this denomination's affiliated who are female.
denomination Growth % pa 1970-2000 This is the percentage of church growth this denomination experienced per year during the 30 year period of 1970-2000 in this country.
denomination Growth % pa 2000-2015 This is the percentage of church growth this denomination experienced per year during the 15 year period of 2000-2015 in this country.
denomination Is this a sub-denomination 1 = this a diocese or sub-denomination.
denomination Major Tradition This is the denomination's ecclesiastical tradition in the country. A "Tradition" is one of 4 major subdivisions of affiliated Christians and their churches.
denomination Minor tradition The denominations main tradition, family, rite, churchmanship, etc., with which it is most closely connected historically in this country.
denomination Note Note for denomination for this country.
denomination Parent Denomination ID The denomination of which this diocese or sub-denomination is a part.
denomination Pentecostals/Charismatics % Pentecostals/Charismatics as a percentage of affiliated in this denomination.
denomination Year Begun The year this denomination began work in this country.
denomination_year % of Christians Denomination's membership as a percentage of the country's total Christian population.
denomination_year % of country Denomination's membership as a percentage of the country's total Christian population.
denomination_year Affiliated Number of this denomination's affiliated church members in the country.
denomination_year Congregations The number of worship centers (churches, congregations) for this denomination in the country.
denomination_year Denomination ID Denomination ID.
denomination_year Evangelicals Evangelicals in this denomination.
denomination_year Pentecostals/Charismatics Pentecostals/Charismatics in this denomination.
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